Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daddy's helper

C adores visiting his Daddy at work. Every trip to the hanger includes C getting some quality time in with the helicopter. He loves to climb in all by himself, put on a helmet, and strap in. He then proceeds to "fly to North Dakota" to see Grandma and Grandpa. It's so cute. On this particular night Daddy mixed it up a bit and let C help him give the chopper a good scrub. C got rewarded for his help with a good old Gator ride.


  1. So cute. It cracks me up that you can be a highly skilled pilot and you still have to do the grunt work. Oh well, keeps him humble I guess!

  2. It's not like I have to do ALL the grunt work like sweep the hangar floor, remove the spider webs, clean the blood out of the back of the chopper, wash AND wax the helicopter... wait... I guess I do have to do it all...
