Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Summer update

Summer has been flying by here. After returning from our Colorado trip I had an unexpected two night hospital stay due to some strange symptoms including sore fingertips, tingly feet, a rash, and later dots on the tips of my fingers and toes. It was frustrating to be cooped up in the hospital that long, but in the end I am thankful to have received a diagnosis of just a virus that I was able to fight off. Many thanks for the faithful prayers that were given on my behalf. I'm so grateful for friends, family, and the Lord's hand on my rapid healing.

Since then we've been trying to beat the summer heat. The above picture was taken at the movie theater. We took C to his very first movie, Toy Story 3 in 3D. We had two coupons for free tickets that I got online. I had to choose what theater we would go to and I didn't realize this particular theater was only showing it in 3D. D and I were nervous that C wouldn't keep the glasses on or that he'd be freaked out, but he did wonderful and LOVED the movie experience. It was quite a treat for D and I too. I had no idea how expensive movies are now, especially if they are in 3D. I was happy for the coupons. The picture is dark since D took it on his phone, but I thought C was just too cute not to show you.

I also wanted to give a little update on the big changes around here. D has only 12 days left of work with the sheriff's office. I think we are both starting to feel the pressure of the big changes ahead for our family. D will be heading to Long Island in just over 3 short weeks. C and I will hopefully join him for a portion of the 3 weeks he will be gone so that we can scope out our "future" as well. This is just the beginning of what will likely be about 4 and a half months of training away from home for D. C and I will likely be moving to Long Island the end of Dec or Jan when D officially starts working at the Long Island branch for CBP. We are excited, but sad too. I think I better go soak up some FL sunshine now while I can!

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