Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ice and snow!

A rare shot of C without his gloves pressed to his face because it was "too cold".
Dad and Mom in the igloo pretending they are back home in ND.

C has a great fascination with nutcrackers this year.

Yesterday we decided to kick off the Christmas season and ventured down to Orlando to the Ice and Snow exhibit at the Gaylord resort. We bundled up and took in the story of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" carved out of 2 million pounds of ice. C wasn't a fan of the 9 degree temperature, but he LOVED the room of snow that was much warmer. He got to ride a tube down a little snow hill and throw lots of snowballs. He was jumping with excitement the entire time he played in the snow room, however, he did state when we left that he didn't want to live where there was snow. Hmm, we'll have to work on that. After all the snow and ice fun, C got to chat with Santa, drink hot cocoa, and take in a music and light show.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Yeah, ummmm...I think it will be hard to avoid ice and snow in your future home! Maybe he will learn to love it! : )
