Monday, December 13, 2010

Sea World

C LOVES The Polar Express movie and we all so enjoyed Sea World's fun polar express experience. Because the lines were so short, we got to do it twice!

The train ride brought us to the North Pole where C got to chat with Santa.

C loves a good thrill ride just like his parents. The crab is his second favorite after the Shamu express roller coaster.

C could only handle so much fun and we lost him around 9pm. We didn't leave the park until 11:45 since we stayed around for the ice skating show, fireworks, and light display.

We headed to Sea World on Friday and had a long (almost 12 hours), but very fun day. We were able to take in all the Christmas shows and lights. This was likely C and I's last time to use our annual pass before we move . We got so much use out of it and will really miss our fun outings to this neat park. This trip was extra fun for me as I got to ride the roller coasters since Grandpa and Grandma could watch C. I got in 4 manta rides and 1 kracken!!! Woo Hoo.

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