Saturday, January 15, 2011


C was very interested in Santa this year and was able to visit with 4 different Santas. C was quick to ask each Santa for one thing, a Cowboy Woody. His wish came true!

Some Christmas morning snuggles

Spider man and Daddy

The star of Christmas was this cool Buzz Lightyear. Thanks Jodi, Cynthia, and Karen!

Grandma made C this super warm and cute quilt while she was with us this winter.
We enjoyed our last Christmas in our home in FL. Dec. was a very busy time as D finished up his school and started working in NY. He was able to fly home on the 23rd and be with us to celebrate Christmas together as a family with my parents and then the packing began. This was the first year that Christmas decorations came down on Christmas in my home!

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