Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow day!

Last week we received our housewarming gift from the great state of NY. A lovely snowstorm brought 14 inches of snow to us overnight. If you know me, and you likely do because you are reading this blog, you know that I DO NOT like cold, winter, and snow. I must admit however that this, our first snow day in 10 years, was quite fun and I actually smiled a lot. We knew the night before that Dave wouldn't have work and that the entire island would pretty much be closed down, so that alone was fun. Then C woke up and looked out the window and quickly yelled up the stairs with great excitement about all the snow and asked if we could go out and play. We didn't head out at 7am to play, but within an hour or so we were out jumping around and shortly thereafter the shoveling began. It was a lot of work and if we thought this amount of snowfall would be a regular occurrence I think we might need to invest in a snow blower, but "they" say that this kind of snow fall is not typical. I guess we will see.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the world of "real" winters! Looks like Caleb had a blast and it sounds like maybe you did a little bit too. :). Fun to see pics of your new neighborhood!
