Tuesday, September 18, 2012

boy's only camping trip

happy camper
  ready to hit the trails
 two hot dogs for Mr. C

One thing C wanted to do all summer long was go camping. Well, although school has begun, it is still technically summer until the 22nd so I guess we squeaked in one camping trip this summer! The weather has taken a beautiful turn as of late into the 70's so D decided he wanted to take C out and camp a night. D picked a beautiful county park just 11 miles from our house here on L.I. It's a park with mountain bike trails that D loves to ride with friends so he brought along the bike and trailer bike for C and they did some riding as well. E and I joined them for some hot dogs and s'mores and then headed home to sleep in our warm cozy beds. :)

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! Ryan has been wanting to go camping for a long time now...but we haven't been brave enough to give it a try yet! What a great time for C and Dave!!
