Friday, May 02, 2014

In the hospital

 E took a ride in the ambulance with Daddy from the walk in clinic to the hospital.
 All checked in to the hospital and caged up.
 This is the only contraption that E was hooked up to. It measured his blood oxygen levels and attached to his big toe. He of course hated being stuck to a machine and unable to walk around.
 This is the dreaded nebulizer that E REALLY hated. He had to do 10 min. treatments every 4 hours.
 C thought having E in the hospital was a bit of a fun adventure. His favorite part was visiting the playroom on E's floor and playing XBox.
 Once E was approved to be discharged Sun. morning the Dr. unplugged the monitor from his toe and he got to check out the playroom too!

Going home!!!

Easter weekend D brought E into the pediatric walk in clinic on Saturday after hearing some rattling in his breathing. By the time they got to the clinic E was wheezing and an Xray showed a bit of pneumonia in his lungs. His blood oxygen levels were low enough that they decided to transport him to the hospital so he could be watched overnight. E was operating on all cylinders and didn't act sick at all so it was very challenging to keep him confined to his crib or our laps since his toe was hooked up to a machine measuring his o2 levels. The Dr.s were giving E nebulizer treatments every four hours and he was improving very quickly. I spent the LONG night with E in his room. I quickly learned the effects of the steroids he was given combined with the albuterol were not going to be conducive to any sleep for either of us. E was WIRED! Anytime he did drift off to sleep it was brief because someone would pop in and need to give him medicine, listen to his lungs, etc. Really overall E was a champ, but he did hate the respiratory therapist that gave him treatments. All the other staff he loved and they loved him. He recovered super fast and everyone felt confident sending him home the next morning....Easter Sunday. It was a crazy unexpected detour, but we are so thankful for the healing that God allowed on his little body and to have him home again healthy and happy!

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