Thursday, July 30, 2015

VBS fun at Mt Everest!

 Pajama day at VBS....God has the power to comfort! 

 My room to hold Imagination Station!

C and his frosty blue hair for crazy hair day!

E in his classroom! The preschoolers mostly stayed in one room, but the big kids all rotate around to different stations. E didn't like that he wasn't able to do things the way that C did during the week! 

 E front and center! The little ones joined the large group for opening and closing times.

Our church just wrapped up a super fun week of VBS! Such a great opportunity to share God's love with 150 kids in a totally action packed exciting 5 days. This year was my first VBS at our new church. The church just completed a building expansion and it was so wonderful to have such a large facility to comfortably host so many kids. We were able to go all out with decorations since  another church passed on supplies to us after they completed their VBS. The church was completely transformed into a winter mountain wonderland! C had a great time and even E attended in a preschool classroom which is a BIG deal for him. He is usually stuck to my side. He did great the first 3 days, but by day 4 he was done so he hung out with me at Imagination Station on Thurs. and then stayed home with D on Fri since he had the day off. All in all it was a great week and the boys are still singing and dancing to the tunes from the week!

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