Friday, March 01, 2013

E turns ONE!

our dear friends Scott and Carole joined us for the party
The birthday boy is just trying to hold back his excitement. Maybe we waited a little too close to bedtime for the party. :)
We made wishes for little E's next year. Great things ahead for our little guy!
lemon-raspberry layer cake with butter cream frosting? Oh yeah, he's smiling now!

Despite my attempts to keep E a baby forever, he went ahead and turned one on me. I have so loved the last year getting to know who little E is and have savored the joy of raising him and spending my days with him. He is a true joy to our family and we can hardly remember our days before he was a part of them. He is our inquisitive, happy, spunky, curious, social, little dude. Oh we love him to pieces. So on Wed. we had a little party to celebrate the little guy. He LOVED his first piece of cake and wasn't shy to dig in and finish every last bite.

1 comment:

  1. AWWW...Happy Birthday E!!! Can't believe it's been a year already! Seems like yesterday we were Skyping with you guys at the hospital!!
